Написание контрольных, курсовых, дипломных работ, выполнение задач, тестов, бизнес-планов
Главная \ Методичні вказівки \ Методические указания и информация \ Методичні вказівки до виконання контрольних робіт для заочної форми навчання Спеціальність 081 Право Факультет № 2 ННІЗДН

Методичні вказівки до виконання контрольних робіт для заочної форми навчання Спеціальність 081 Право Факультет № 2 ННІЗДН





Кафедра іноземних мов

«ІНОЗЕМНА МОВА (за професійним спрямуванням)» (англійська мова)




Завідувач кафедри іноземних мов

к.філол.н., доцент

________________ О.М. Мітіна

«      » ____________ 2018  р.







Методичні вказівки

до виконання контрольних робіт для заочної форми навчання

Спеціальність 081 Право

Факультет № 2 ННІЗДН




















2018 рік




Методичні вказівки до контрольних робіт з  навчальної дисципліни «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням» (німецька) для 1-4 курсів  заочної форми навчання за спеціальністю 081 Право.


Розробник: завідувач кафедри, канд.філол. наук, доцент О.М. Мітіна


Обговорено та схвалено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов

Протокол  від «27» серпня 2018 року № 1











































Тематика контрольних робіт

Виконання і оформлення контрольних робіт

Слухач-заочник за період навчання повинен виконати дві контрольні роботи письмові домашні контрольні роботи (ІІ, IV семестри). Кожна контрольна робота пропонується в десяти варіантах відповідно до списку.

Студент вибирає варіант, який відповідає першій букві його прізвища:

Варіант № 1 - А-В, Н-О,

Варіант № 2 -Г-Є, П-Р

Варіант № 3 -Ж-І, С-Т

Варіант № 4 –Ї-К, У-Ф-Х

Варіант № 5 –Л-М, Ц-Я



Встановлений розподіл варіантів є обов’язковим: виконання контрольної роботи іншого варіанту, заміна окремих питань забороняється, і, якщо подібне має місце, тягне за собою негативну оцінку роботи (не зарах) і необхідність виконання нової роботи за визначеною викладачем темою.

Робота має бути виконана в окремому зошиті. На обкладинці потрібно написати своє прізвище та ініціали, номер контрольної роботи, спеціальність та шифр академічної групи, свою домашню адресу та дату виконання. Матеріал контрольної роботи потрібно розміщати в зошиті таким чином:


Ліва сторінка                                                                         Права сторінка


Поля                             Англійський текст                                      Переклад


Виконані контрольні роботи надсилайте для перевірки та рецензування в інститут заздалегідь. Якщо контрольна робота виконана без додержання умов або не повністю, вона повертається для повторного виконання. Після повторного виконання магістр знову надсилає її до інституту. На одному з практичних занять під час заліково-екзаменаційної сесії він повинен захистити контрольну роботу.























Контрольна робота VІІІ семестр


Варіант №1

I.            Письмово перекладіть текст


In modern US society law can be divеded into 2 broad categories: criminal law and civil law. All law other than criminal law is known as civil law; it includes tort law (the law governing the transfer and ownership of property) and contract law ( the law of personal agreements).

The differences between criminal law and civil law are significant, because in US legal system, criminal proceedings are completely separate from civil actions. The major objective of the criminal law is to protect the public against harm by preventing criminal offenses.

The primary concern of the civil law - in the area of private wrongs or torts. In criminal law the emphasis is on the intent of the individual committing. the crime, a civil proceeding gives primary attention to affixing the blame each party deserves for producing the damage or conflict. Despite these major differences, criminal law and civil law share certain features Both arrears o£ the law seek to control people's behavior by preventing them from acting in an undesirable manner, and both impose sanctions on those who commit violations of the law.

The payment of damages to the victim in a tort case, for example, serves some of the fine in a criminal case The criminal law sentences offenders to prison while the civil law also impose confinement on such individuals as the mentally ill, alcoholics and the mentally defective. In addition, many actions such as assault and battery, various forms of larceny and negligence are the basis for criminal as well as civil actions.

In summary, the criminal law usually applies in an action taken by the local state or federal government against an individual who has been accused of

committing a crime.

The civil law comes into play when an individual or group seeks monetary recompense for harmful actions committed by another individual or group. In the criminal law the single characteristic that distinguishes it from the civil law is punishment.

II Дайте відповідь на запитання до тексту

1)           What does the civil law include?

2)           What is the major objective of the criminal law?

3)           What is the primary concern of the civil law?

ІІІ. Перепилить дані речения в PASSIVE VOICE

1) Somebody left a bag in the room

2) They gave my little sister a ticket

3)           HYPERLINK \crew members will show the visitors the new ship

4)           They promise us early arrival

IV. Складіть речения з данними словами Concern, to sentence to commit, blame

V. Визначте в даних реченнях часову форму дієслова

1)           After she had broken her promise she felt remorse

2)           What did he say, when he saw you?

3)           I told him that I had never met her before

4)           Because he had failed at the exam ha was depressed

VI Складіть речения з данних слів зберігаючи порядок

1)           cats\ grey\ all \ are \ in \ the \ night \

2)           all \ well \ ends \ is \ long \ life \ is \

3)           art \ short \ is \ that \ well \

VІ Знайдіть помилки в речениях

1)           HE is have dinner now.

2)           What is you looking for?

3)           She is wear a nice dress.

1) One of the most detailed ancient legal codes was drawn up in tab out 1758

b.c. by Hammurabi a king of Babylonia The entire code consisting of 282

paragraphs was carved into a great stone pillar which was setup in a temple

to the Babylonian god Murdock so that it could be read every citizen

2) the pillar was rediscovered by a French archeologist in 1901 amid the rums of the Persian city of Susa Hammurabi’s words were still legible. The pillar is now in the Louvre museum in Paris.


Варіант №2

І. Письмово перекладіть текст.

The Police in American Society

The police departments are those public agencies created to maintain order, enforce the criminal law, provide emergency services, keep traffic on streets and highways moving freely, and create a sense of community safety. The system and process of criminal justice depends on effective and efficient police work, particularly when it comes to preventing and arresting criminal offenders.

As American society becomes more complex, new functions are required of the police officers.

Today police officers work actively with the community to prevent criminal behave our ; they help to divert members of special needs populations; such as juveniles, alcoholics, and drug addicts, from the criminal just:^ system ; they participate in specialized units such as juvenile and drug prevention squad; they cooperate with public prosecutors to initiate investigations into organized crime and drug trafficking, they resolve neighborhood and family conflicts. Because of these expanded responsibilities, the role of the police officer has become more professional.

The officer must not only be technically competent to investigate crimes but also aware of the rule and procedures associated with arrest, apprehension, and investigation of criminal activity. The police role is established by the boundaries of the criminal law. Although the police officer sets the criminal justice system in motion by the authority to arrest, and this authority is vested in the law, it is neither final nor absolute. Police officers required to exercise a great deal of individual discretion in deciding whether to arrest, refer, or simply investigate a situation further. Their actions represent the exercise of discretionary justice.

ІІ. Дайте відповідь на запитання до тексту.

a)           What are the police departments?

b)           What does the system of criminal justice depend on?

c)           Why the role of the police officer has become more professional?

ІІІ. Перепешіть дані речения в Passive Voce.

a)           The ship will call at the port in June.

b)           Somebody has done it very well.

c)           They have built a light-house of stone and cement.

d)           Has somebody done all the work? 1

IV. Складіть 4 речения з даними словами

-society; - to require; - conflict; - to establish.

V. Визначте в даних речениях часову форму д1эслова.

a)           After I had mixed my colors, I started to paint the funnel.

b)           I told him that I had never done such as thing until then.

c)           I have nothing to eat and feel very hungry.

d)           As soon as he had finished his work, he looked around.

VI.Складіть з даних слів речения, зберігаючи порядок слів.

a)           /good/is/a/beginning/the/battle/half/

b)           /after / sit / a / dinner / supper / after / a mile / walk /while.

c)           /man / a / die / can / once / but /

VII. 3найдіть помилки в речениях.

a) They are haved a new furniture.

b)           My son is get ready for his final exams now.

c)           My husband was working on an invention now.

VIII. Перекладіть речения на українську мову.

a) In the USA Britain and many other English- speaking, countries, the law of Habeas Corpus guarantees that nobody can be held in prison without trial.

b) Habeas Corpus become law because of a wild party held in 1621 at the London home of a notorious by rowdy lady, Alice Robinson. When a constable appeared and asked her and her and quests to quiet down. Mrs. Robinson allegedly swore at him so violently that he arrested her and a local justice of the peace committed her to jail.


Варіант №3

І. Письмово перекладіть текст.

The Roles and Functions of Police in Modern Society

Individual citizens perceptions and ideas about the police are based on past experiences and social status. Our knowledge about the police, what they do, and how, they do it comes from a number of sources and quite often represents distorted or incomplete pictures about the police. These sources include television programs and news media, personal observations and experiences and reports provided by other people who have had contact with the police . The average citizen collects information about the police on a piecemeal basis , and this information is incomplete or inaccurate. The public processes and stories this information and uses it to make judgments about the police and what they do.

Generally if past experiences with the police have been negative the public will be more likely to be critical of the police and less supportive of their function in the community. The public! will also be less likely to accept positive information about the police as being accurate or factual. On the other hand if past contacts have been positive, people might tend to view the police more favorably and focus on information that presents the police in a constructive or positive manner . Citizen perceptions affect how citizens interact with police officers, and in turn how the police officers respond to various citizens. If citizens treat police officers with disdain or aloofness, then some police officers may be likely to be less respectful or less helpful. On the other hand, if there is a positive attitude on the part of the citizens police officers will more then likely respond in kind. Perceptions and attitudes are extremely important in terms of setting the stage for police-community relations and police interaction with the public.

ІІ. Дайте відповідь на запитання до тексту.

a)           Where do our knowledge about police come from?

b)           Do mass media play an important role in our perceptions and ideas?

c)           What is your attitude to police in our country?

ІІІ. Перепишіть речения в Passive Voice.

a)           She promised him a book.

b)           They told me to go away.

c)           Nobody has made any mistakes.

d)           She fell into water because somebody pushed her.

ІV.Складпъ 4 речения з даними словами :

- experience; -to interact; - factual; - perception.

V.Визначте в данних реченнях часову форму дієслова

a)           I do not see what your motives could have been.

b)           We had not decided the dispute.

c)           My feelings have been wounded by that remark.

d)           We have resided four years in this town.

VI.Складіть з данних cлів речения, зберігаючи порядок слів.

a)           /is / everything /its / in / season / good/

b)           /he that /eat / the fruit / would /must / climb / the tree /

c)           /never /lost /again / time /is /found /

VII.3найдіть помилки в реченнях.

a)           He doesn't waiting for you.

b)           I am reading tomorrow.

c)           He is feeling better.

VIII.Перекладпъ речения на українську мову.

a)           About 90 per cent of all crimes are dealt with by Magistrates' courts. Sentences vary a lot but most people who are found guilty have to pay a fine.

b)           Magistrates courts can impose fines of up to F 2000 or prison sentences of up to 6 months. If the punishment is to be more severe the case must go to a Crown Court. The most severe punishment is life imprisonment: there has been no death penalty in Britain since 1965.


Варіант №4

І. Письмово перекладіть текст


The court system administering the criminal process includes lower criminal courts, superior courts and appellate courts. The lower criminal courts of any state, variously called police courts, district courts deal with the largest number of criminal offenses. They daily handle a large volume of criminal offenses, including such crimes as assault and battery , breaking and entering, possession of drugs and juvenile offenses. Where a trial is required in the lower courts, it often occurs before a judge rather than a jury, because the defendant often waives the constitutional right to a jury trial.

Lower criminal courts, although responsible for misdemeanor offenses, also process the first stage of felony offenses by holding preliminary hearings, making bail decisions and conducting trials of certain felonies where they have jurisdiction as defined by statute.

The superior courts, or major trial courts have general jurisdiction over all criminal offenses but ordinarily concentrate on felony offenses. They conduct jury trials with much formality and with strict adherence to the defendant's constitutional rights. These courts also accept guilty pleas generally give offenders longer sentences because more serious nature of their crimes , and in certain instances review sentences originally imposed by lower courts. The highest state court is a supreme, or appeals court, whose functions are similar to those of the US Supreme Court in the federal judicial system. State supreme courts are primarily appellate courts that do not conduct criminal trials.

Appellate courts deal with procedural errors arising in the lower courts, that are considered violations of right guaranteed by the state and / or the US Constitution, such as the use of illegal evidence. Questions of fact decided in the original trial are not ordinarily reviewed in the appellate process. The appellate court has the authority to affirm, modify or reverse decisions of the lower criminal court

II. Дайте відповідь на запитання до тексту.

1)           What does the court system include?

2)           What jurisdiction have the superior courts?

3)           What is the highest state court?

III. Перепишіть дані речения в PASSIVE VOICE.

1)           They sat at a large round table.

2)           I liked the novel very much.

3)           My husband spoke to his boss last week.

4) Has somebody done all the work?

IV. Складіть речення з даними словами

preliminary; guilty; to decide; to include.

V. Визначте в даних реченнях часову форму дієслова

1)           We've been helping since 5 o'clock.

2)           I was late because I had got stuck in a traffic jam.

3)           She has never had some lovely holidays.

VI. Складіть з даних слів речення зберігаючи порядок слів

1)           \ по \knows \ law \ necessity \

2)           \ to \ is \ repentance \ step \ confession \ first \ the \

3)           \ pleasures \ sweetest \ are \ stolen \

VII. Знайдіть помилки в реченнях.

1)           Its activity attract the attention of many people.

2)           I looking forward to hearing from you soon.

3)           Which photos would you like to look?

VIII. Перекладіть речення на українську мову

1)           Primary schools are to be issued with guidelines on how to deal with drug abuse, amid warnings that solvent sniffing is rife among children as young as seven.

2)           Radioactivity was discovered in 1896 by Antoine Henri Barneveld. who noticed that uranium salts had a pronounced effect on photographic plates even through thin sheets of metal.


Варіант №5

І. Письмово перекладіть текст.

The Prosecution and the Defense in the USA

The prosecutor and the defense attorneys are the opponents in what is known as the adversary system. These two parties oppose each other in a hotly disputed contest-the criminal trial - in accordance with rules of law and procedure, in every criminal case, the state acts against and the defense attorney for the defendant before an important judge or jury, with each side trying to bring evidence and arguments forward to advance its case. The ultimate objective of the adversary system is to seek the truth, in this way determining the guilt or innocence of the defendant from the formal evidence presented at the trial. The prosecutor is the public official who represents the government and presents its case against the defendant who is charged with a violation of the criminal law. The prosecutor is a local attorney, whose area of jurisdictional responsibility is limited to a particular county or city. The prosecutor is responsible not only for charging the defendant with the crime but also for bringing the case to trial and to a final conclusion. The prosecutor also participates in bail hearings, presents cases before a grand jury, and appears for the state at arraignments. The defense attorney is responsible for providing legal defense representation to the defendant, this role involves 2 major functions: - protesting the constitutional rights of the accused, - presenting the best possible legal defense for the defendant.

The defendant attorney represents a client from initial arrest through the trial stage during the sentencing hearing and if needed, through the process of appeal. The defense attorney is also expected to enter into plea negotiations and obtain for the defendant the most suable bargain regarding type and length of sentence. Any person accused of crime can obtain the services of a private attorney if he or she can afford to do so. One of the most critical questions in the criminal justice system has been whether an indigent defendant has the right to counsel. The federal court system has long provided counsel to the indigent on the basis of the 6-th Amendment of the us Constitution, which gives the accused the right to have the assistance of defense counsel. Now more than a 1000 public defender agencies have been set up around the USA to provide free legal counsel to indigent defendants.

ІІ. Дайте відповідь на запитання до тексту.

a)           What is the adversary system?

b)           What is the ultimate objective of the adversary system?

c)           What is a prosecutor?

d)           Can any parson obtain the services of a private attorney?

ІІІ. Перепешітъ дані речення в Passive voice.

a)           Our students read English articles every day.

b)           We are answering the questions on the new text.

c)           They will not have done all the work by 3 o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow.

d)           He has been reading it for two hours.

       IV.Складіть речення з данними словами responsible, to represent, to enter, crime.

V.          Визначіть в данних реченнях засову форму д1€слова:

a)           They had been working on it for two weeks.

b)           Had anyone been there before you?

c)           Your friend has been teaching mathematics at the university.

d)           By the paddle of the 19-th century about 60 chemical elements had been discovered.

VI. Складіть з даних слів речення.

1)\no\ accuser \ needs \ a \ conscience \ guilty \ 2)\ comes \ to \ everything \ waits \ him \ who \ 3) \ is \ done \ well \ half \ begun